Tag Archives: leftovers

Day 3



I never thought it would happen today… The kids are finally sleeping… At the same time. Hallelujah! Tie for a mommy moment with a second cup of coffee for the day. After I get the eating thing under control again I should probably start decreasing my caffeine amount. Maybe…

Meal 1:
2 fried eggs
Broccoli and zucchini (leftovers)
Coffee with almond milk

Meal 2:
Chicken salad
-leftover grilled chicken chopped
– red pepper, apple, tomatoes, walnuts, pecans, raisins, mayo

Watermelon with coconut milk and cashews
Coffee with almond milk


Meal 3:
Leftover meatloaf
Cauliflower and carrot pilaf with raisins and almonds

Sweet potato frittata with almond milk and cashews

Day 3


Day 3… Really starting to get some momentum now. I have decided that one of my success tips is that you need o have food ready to heat up and you need to use as little pans and dishes as possible. This morning my beautiful daughter and I got breakfast together.


As you can see, she was a huge help… More moral support than anything else. But I had leftover Italian beef and veggies with two fried eggs on top. I have started to consider it a rule that we have to eat what’s in the fridge before making new food…. Most of the time this is an easy rule to follow. Like with this meal:


Lunch was another one pan wonder. I’m sure all the food I make looks the same, as I just throw everything in a pan and warm it up. So this morning I had roasted some sweet potatoes for the week, so I cut up one and threw it in the pan with clarified butter. Then I cut up two chicken thighs that I baked a few days ago. Threw them in. Looking in my fridge I found the fruit salsa that we had on top of tuna yesterday, that went in too. After deciding that it was very tropical, I added cinnamon, ginger, coconut, and salt. Ta-da! Lunch!


After lunch, Isaiah and I made a fort while Veronica was napping. Here’s a cute pic of him peeking out a “window”


For dinner we had people over so I totally forgot to take a picture but it would have been the prettiest meal. We had twice fried plantains, green beans with bacon, and pan fried swaii and tuna steaks… So yummy! I would have to say day 3 was a success as well!

Resolution to start again… Day 1 take two


Ready….set….go! We are trying day 1 of our whole30 again. We had a lot of treats the last couple of days and the negative effects just aren’t worth it. So, here we go again. Breakfast this morning was leftover spaghetti sauce (or stew since it was so chunky) with two fried eggs on top. Really good and mixed up breakfast a bit which is nice.


While my husband was at work, not resisting the temptation of a breakfast burrito, Isaiah and I had chicken thighs, carrots, and blueberries for lunch. Every week I bake off a pan of chicken thighs for whatever we might need them for. Sometimes they get thrown in curry, or stir fry, or sometimes we just eat them plain with veggies. The prep work has been what makes eating this way doable. Today I put ginger, garlic, turmeric, salt, and pepper on the chicken. Isaiah liked it a lot! He would start singing when he ate it. Lol.

Dinner was more leftovers. Carrots, spaghetti sauce, and pineapple. But i did manage to control the desire to eat burritos and quesadillas for dinner instead…yay personal victory! Tomorrow we will finish grocery shopping for the week!