Tag Archives: spaghetti squash

Spaghetti with meat sauce



It’s the end of my day one of my second whole30 attempt only to decide that it really wasn’t day one… If only I didn’t have such a love of lattes…and almond poppy seed bread. But while there were some minor set backs, I am just happy that it was day one…no one wants to start over again on day 14 or whatever.

While some food choices were not superb, every meal I ate was whole30 approved. And even more exciting news, Veronica is almost sitting up on her own… They grow up so fast. Anyways dinner tonight was probably one of the most cliche meal swaps out there right now..that’s right I put my homemade spaghetti sauce over spaghetti squash instead of pasta. However, I think there are a few tips to make it just a little better.

Spaghetti with Meat Sauce

– Roasted spaghetti squash, roasted ahead of time
– garlic salt, salt and pepper to taste
– 2 tbsp clarified butter

Put above ingredients in sauté pan and reheat squash. If you don’t season your squash, it will not be as good. This will serve as your pasta.


I raided my fridge to come up with the sauce. I have learned to be well prepared for whatever I want, thanks to the book Well Fed. so in my fridge was already cooked ground beef and onions, steam sautéed zucchini and red bell peppers, and I had cans or tomato in the cupboard. So, it ended up being, give or take…
– 2 pounds ground beef
– 1/2 onion chopped
– 1 cup red peppers chopped
– 1.5 cups zucchini
– 2 cans tomatoes
– Italian seasonings 2 tbsp or so
– garlic salt, salt, and pepper to taste

I let it stew for a while on the stove.

When it’s all cooked and hot, plate and serve. Congrats you have satisfied your Italian craving!