Category Archives: drinks

Vanilla Cloud Drink


Sometimes when you are eating paleo, you get tired of water… Like real tired of water. Normally I’m okay with it all the time but sometimes you just want something creamy, yummy, and sweet. I tried this 8 dollar drink at whole foods… A bottled drink of yumminess. I know… I can’t believe I splurged for it as well, however, I did figure out that it was super tasty and recreatable. The recipe isn’t super specific and doesn’t even look super appealing in the picture but trust me, it is amazing.

Vanilla Cloud…my way

(Once again rough measurements )

3 parts unsweetened almond milk
1 part coconut milk
A couple shakes of cinnamon
One shake of nutmeg
A long squirt of agave or honey
About a teaspoon of vanilla extract

Mix and put over ice… If you are a latte lover you can switch out the coconut milk for strong coffee or espresso.


Enjoy! I bet you could blend it as well for a frozen one… Or even switch out the cinnamon and nutmeg for cocoa powder…