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Summertime Activities


I am loving summer! Every year I get better at summer…. Probably because my distractions are multiplying. I am a high school ESL teacher for the majority of the year on top of being a mom to two, a wife, a volunteer, and part of my church community. So I’m used to being extremely busy all the time. But then summer hits… It’s 100 degrees and I have two faces staring at me.

I love these kids, but it is a complete change of pace and sets of needs… And for a little while, I was terrified…. Then I relaxed and learned to love being a mom. It’s okay to sit holding one baby while watching my son play outside. That is doing something. I’ve also learned that I do have time to keep my kitchen clean… Most of the time.

So one of the fun things we have done so far is go to the farm with Grandma. Isaiah is an animal lover. So he fed the sheep, and goats, and a baby calf. He loved it! Totally worth the 3 dollars. Ha!



We have also had a few photo shoots. These were from Father’s Day. I was taking pictures of the kids while my husband, brother, and dad were golfing.



What a little princess… With attitude! So, now that I’ve learned to entertain little ones… Most of the time, I’m pretty sure the summer will fly by, and I’ll be back with the big kids.

Paleo update… So it’s my birthday… Totally had pizza and a latte today… Not paleo… Will do better tomorrow… When it’s not my birthday!

Rainy day


Today was a rainy day… A legit rainy day… Well, at least for half the day. And while I was trapped inside with my son’s stubborn sleepy eyes staring at me, refusing to nap, I decided to become a “blogger.” This way other people would be able to share in such experiences with me… Or at least I can think so! Ha!

I became inspired to do this reading all the other paleo food blogs out there. My husband and I just complete our first whole30. Well, it ended p being a whole 27… and due to our food choices the last few days (I.e. lattes and pizza) and how we felt afterwards (icky) we are going to be back at it tomorrow. We are planning on doing a whole20.Mostly because that will take us to my birthday. 🙂

So tomorrow I will hopefully have some yummy recipes to post.


P.S. We also had ice cream for dessert… Darn you Ben and Jerry’s! Whole30 diet here we come!    (Again 🙂 )